Cleaning Up!
I have finally gotten a way to access my old web information and will shortly include the original information as well as a blog/comment thread. I have fixed the ancient links that no longer lead to the right supplier pages. I may even some day get to finishing the answers to the book questions!
Talk to me
I have no feedback about my book–who is buying it, what they think of it, and what is most useful. I encourage you…if you have an interest in 8051-family development…to comment here. I have plans to regularly blog about the history of embedded micro development (you wouldn’t believe how ancient I am) as well as posting comments that were not suitable to the book itself. The only feedback I get these days is the sales numbers from the printer (a few tens of copies each month), so I “covet” your comments.
Why not just steal it on-line?
Of course anyone at all savy on the web can find two (illegal) copies of the book to download–the 4th edition aparently scanned into files, and the 3rd edition supplied by my former publisher without authorization (but then, if they didn’t pay the royalties owed, why should they hesitate to violate my copyright?). I was all set to fight, but it proved too slippery to pin down and I came to the conclusion that many wise folks have discovered it cost about the same to print bootleg copies as to buy a nicely finished and bound copy by the proper channels. If you are a strictly read-it-on-my computer type, go for it–I considered converting it for e-readers but the huge number of drawings, schematics, and program pieces makes me think it would be difficult to format well. Where else can you get a densely-filled mine of information/textbook for a modest $25 or so?